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Empowering Rangatahi: CAYADs journey with the Ōpōtiki College Mixed Touch Team
At the heart of Ōpōtiki lies a passion for nurturing the next generation, and Tamarau Karepa, the CAYAD (Community Action Youth and...

Rising Stars Youth Awards 2024
A Night to Remember The sun shone brightly as our team worked tirelessly behind the scenes, preparing for an extraordinary evening to...

Rising Stars Youth Awards return for 2024
Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust is bringing the Rising Star awards back to Ōpōtiki, and nominations are open now. This November will host the...

The season of giving hits early for Ōpōtiki
NĀU TE ROUROU, NĀKU TE ROUROU KA ORA AI TE IWI For the past 33 years, the Opotiki Community Foodbank service has been a vital support...

From Pop-up stalls to Night Market
Now more than a year old, Ngā Kete Hauora has grown from humble beginnings as a weekday pop-up to a beloved community staple. While the...

History bus tour was our driving force this year
Youth Week 2023 kicked off on May 15th with the first hāpori event ran at Whitikau, Ōpōtiki Skate Park between 3pm and 6pm. There were...

A short term whare for whānau
KAINGA TAUPUA Short Term Transitional Housing opens it's doors for another whānau here in our community. Our papakāinga launched in...

Whānau ki te whānau | Family2Family
WHĀNAU KI TE WHĀNAU New World Ōpōtiki FAMILY2FAMILY FOOD BANK CAMPAIGN This campaign has been running from the 24th of April to the 7th...

Whakatōhea uri is heading to the world Taekwondo Olympics 2023
NEW HĀPORI PODCAST is now available to listen. Whakarongo mai e te iwi! Shauna and Kayla sit and kōrero with James live on air about...
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